Yay! The 12 week @BioSynergyUK Challenge has started!

Published September 29, 2011 by fitflo

All of my stuff arrived from Bio-Synergy on Monday – look at it all!

Luckily, I was off work to recover from RTTB so I was home for the delivery. Unluckily for the courier man, I was in the shower when he arrived, and was so excited to get my delivery I hung out of the bathroom window to tell him I’d be down in a moment and I think he saw rather more of me than I intended. In my defence, it was early, I was tired, and I knew that with my achey legs it would take me ages to get downstairs and I didn’t want him to drive off. Poor bloke.

So, now that I have all of the supplements, I thought it was time I started following the training plan which calls for 6 days of training a week. I thought I would struggle a bit this week, and to be honest I haven’t done as much as the plan calls for, but I have done something each day and in my book that’s good. Monday was a 3 mile run/walk, Tuesday a 3 mile dog walk followed by 30 mins resistance, and tonight a 2 mile run and 30 mins circuits. I’m not sure if this resolve will continue for the rest of the week!

The bit I am finding hard is the nutrition plan. I didn’t realise before just how carb heavy my diet is. Ann from Famously Fit has recommended that I should aim for a 40/40/20 split protein/carbs/fat, wheras I was probaby eating 20/55/25. I have tried to introduce more protein and eat fewer carbs over the last 4 weeks but it’s not been an easy chnage to implement. You have to be REALLY organised…making packed lunches and planning meals is hard because I don’t know what I want to eat for lunch tomorrow but unless I go to work with it prepared I’ll end up making a bad choice (i.e. todays lunch ended up being a subway – not good). If anyone can recommend anything other than chicken salad or omelettes for lunch please share!

*yawn* Just realised how late it is…sorry to cut short but I must get a good nights sleep in as I have an 8-10 mile run planned tomorrow night. Night all.




8 comments on “Yay! The 12 week @BioSynergyUK Challenge has started!

  • Wow what a lot of stuff!!

    I like mackerel with salad, couscous (quinou is better but i don’t like it as much) with roasted veg and a few feta chunks (good Monday meal after Sunday’s roast – not that I’ve roasted for months), sweet jacket potato (if you have access to a microwave) with tuna or cottage cheese, soups keep surprising hot in a flask if you don’t have a microwave. I make a lot of my own soups so I can keep them thick so they keep me filled and I make about 8 portions and freeze a load. If only I ate this well all the time and didn’t spoil it with sandwiches and crisps I would be at my target weight 🙂

    Brilliant pic btw

  • Good luck! You are right, I have realised I eat far too many carbs as well, some brilliant ideas from Nicky ..
    And huge congratulations on getting into London, so excited for you! already planning to come and visit you in March so we can do one of the long runs together LOL

  • You’ve done really well on the activity front this week (better than me!) especially considering you were recovering! I’d say soup, soup, soup, a great way to get your five-a-day in as well. Maybe a variation on the omelette is a fritata type thing, with spinach swirled through, or any kind of veg really. Good luck!

    Oh and congratulations on getting in! Was it first time?! It took me seven years to get to the start line…

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